Instrutora Folha Seca
Instrutora Folha Seca (Jen Miranda Rodrigues) leads Raízes do Brasil Capoeira Madison. Folha started training Capoeira in Michigan in late 2005 with Capoeira Mandinga. Folha trained for a couple of months in Salvador and Itacaré, Bahía, and then moved to Madison in 2006, when she joined Raízes do Brasil with then Instructor (now Contra-Mestre) Sabidinho. After moving to California in late 2007, she trained with Professores Kevin and Melissa in San Francisco and with Mestre Papiba and Professores Quati and Melão in Santa Cruz.
The Capoeira community became a second home and was where Folha met her husband Caju (Iran). Folha and Caju moved back to Madison in late 2018 with their daughter and a second little one on the way. They miss their Cali Capoeira community, but the Madison Capoeira community has quickly become family. Learning the long verses of Papiba’s original Capoeira music is still a favorite pastime, and Folha infuses some of the weekly music sessions with Papiba’s music.
The Capoeira community became a second home and was where Folha met her husband Caju (Iran). Folha and Caju moved back to Madison in late 2018 with their daughter and a second little one on the way. They miss their Cali Capoeira community, but the Madison Capoeira community has quickly become family. Learning the long verses of Papiba’s original Capoeira music is still a favorite pastime, and Folha infuses some of the weekly music sessions with Papiba’s music.